Фондация „Спорт в България“

Sport in Bulgaria Foundation with a new logo

After nearly two successful years of growth, Sport in Bulgaria Foundation changed its logo to better reflect the mission, vision and goals of the organization, aimed at supporting both professional and amateur sports in the country.

“With the new logo we are focusing on the human, the individual and the talent. The logo mark is a visual representation of a stylised human figure, which can also be seen as a stylised Olympic flame. In this way we wanted to show both the joy of sport and the desire to win. In the whole composition we also incorporated the colours of the Bulgarian flag, which shows our connection with the native sport – not only professional, but also amateur”, explained Vyara Velikova, Executive Director of the Sport in Bulgaria Foundation. She added that this step is taken in line with the Foundation’s mission to continue working to improve the opportunities for practicing favorite sports.

The Foundation has been rolling out projects that aim to improve the sporting environment in the country for high performance by our young promising athletes in various disciplines as well as for anyone who wishes to practice sports.