Фондация „Спорт в България“

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We Empower the Action

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We Empower the Action

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We Empower the Action

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We Empower the Action

We Empower the Action

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We Empower the Action

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We Empower the Action

Business Clubs


The Sport in Bulgaria Foundation creates various business clubs that aim to support individual sports in Bulgaria. These are independent initiatives of the Foundation through which we hope to provide constant financial flows from business to sports federations.

This in turn will lead to sustainability and certainty in the planning of the domestic and international calendar of the respective sport, to the improvement of the facilities, and to the enhancement of the experience of our athletes – activities that are vital and defining in modern professional sport.


Sport in Bulgaria Foundation is committed only to initiatives that aim to support Bulgarian sport. The Foundation is registered for public benefit. All funds transferred to the respective initiative will be directly transferred to its implementation.