Фондация „Спорт в България“

Sport in Bulgaria Foundation with a film about the crossing of the Cook Strait by Tsanko Tsankov

The Sport in Bulgaria Foundation will fund a film about the swim across the Cook Strait in New Zealand by marathon swimmer Tsanko Tsankov. This news was announced by Rossi McKee, the founder of the foundation, during a press conference on the occasion of the upcoming sporting event related to Tsankov, who recently became the world champion and record holder in ice water swimming at the world championships in the Estonian capital Tallinn.

The swimmer said he leaves on March 26 for New Zealand, where he will swim the 25-kilometre strait in early April – between 1 and 10 ,. The expected water temperature at that time will be 13.6 to 14 degrees. The current world record for swimming the Cook is 4 hours and 33 minutes. The swim across the Strait is part of the Ocean Seven marathon series – the toughest open water swims officially certified by the World Open Water Swimming Association (WOWSA). Our record holder’s endeavor is sponsored by the Sport in Bulgaria Foundation.

He has already managed two of the Ocean Seven destinations – Gibraltar and the Santa Catalina Channel off Los Angeles. The latter was attended by Rosie McKee, who was alongside the team in the accompanying boat. A film was then made of the preparations and the swim itself, again supported by the Sport in Bulgaria Foundation.

“I saw his live swim off Los Angeles and I’ll never forget it,” Rossi McKee told reporters. “We as a foundation believed in Tsanko and that is why we support him in most of his endeavors. His personal qualities are at a high level and the two world records he set in Tallinn also speak for his qualities as an athlete. He is an example for young children and the film will help in this direction as well,” she explained.

Source: BGNES