Фондация „Спорт в България“

Emotional meeting between the Golden Girls of Bulgaria and the actors from Bulgarian Army Theatre

Regarding the performance, Dimitrova and the girls agreed that the cast performed at a very high level. “I really enjoyed the production. Unique acting by the cast of the Army Theatre. I had forgotten the novel – a lot of the things are still present in our reality,” said the head coach of the ensemble.

Dimitrova was adamant that without the help of a partner like the Sport in Bulgaria Foundation, things would not be easy for the Bulgarian graces. “You know that without the help of partners, of friends, of people to give you a hand, nothing can happen, so we are extremely grateful to the Foundation. They support the girls, they make our job a lot easier, we really appreciate the gesture they do for us.”

On what lies ahead in the 2024 Olympic year, she said, “We have a lot of work, a lot of competitions. Like the European Championships before the Olympics, we are preparing very seriously, several camps are coming up. So, we are preparing really responsibly and seriously. An athlete is never completely healthy, but we work absolutely 100%. The routines and compositions are ready, on February 11 we will have the jury’s view of the compositions and I hope to show them to the people soon,” she added about the girls’ routines.

Petrova expressed the opinion that it is quite likely that our ensemble will repeat the achievement of the Golden Girls from the Tokyo Games, who delighted Bulgaria with Olympic gold. “I think anything is possible and we’re really working for it, the coaches are doing everything they can so that we can prepare and show what we do all day. Absolutely all countries are fighting and they see that it is possible not only Russia to win. I think they are all competition,” she said of our most serious rivals.

Dimitrova did not differ from them in terms of competition and wished herself the best possible ranking and good health this year. “We on the coaching staff are on the same page as the girls, so it’s really competitive and hopefully with a lot of hard work we can get the results we deserve. I wish myself the best possible ranking and good health,” concluded our head coach.

Source: BGNES