Фондация „Спорт в България“

Tsanko Tsankov attacks 100km Danube swim record

Tsankov Tsankov is about to make a new achievement. The first Bulgarian to swim the distance from Europe to Africa (through the Strait of Gibraltar) and world champion in ice swimming will attack the record for 100 kilometers of swimming without interruption in the Danube River on September 6.

Tsankov’s route will start from Bononia Estate, Vidin, and will end at the Radetsky ship in Kozloduy. The Bulgarian team has committed to the necessary rules for the 100 kilometres to be met, and the World Open Water Swimming Association (WOWSA) will track the distance by GPS coordinates to officially recognise Tsankov’s achievement.

Such a feat has never been recorded in the history of swimming on the Danube – Tsanko Tsankov will be the first swimmer to be in the waters of the river between the two cities for nearly 12 hours without interruption. According to the WOWSA rules, he is not allowed to use a neoprene suit and rest on a vessel.

On the leading boat “Victoria 1” as a judge will be the legend in swimming sports and international referee Stefan Georgiev.

The event is organized by “Pobeda” KPS with the assistance of Vidin Municipality, Kozloduy Municipality and “River Administration” Directorate, Lom, with the support of Palms Bet and Sport in Bulgaria Foundation.

The start will be set in the morning at 07:00 and the finish is expected to be at 19:00-19:30 in Kozloduy. Tsankov is scheduled to be welcomed with a ceremony on the Radetsky ship on Friday evening, with dozens of spectators along the river able to watch the swim live.

“I am ready for this challenge and looking forward to it. I have been training in the last months in the sea around Burgas and Tsarevo. My team and I want everything to be official and I am happy that the World Association will administer it and it will be under their rules. All the documents and permits for the swim have been issued, and I want to thank the institutions for that. Special thanks also to the sponsors who support me once again, the funding is entirely from them. The actual time in the water will be about 12 hours and this will be a dress rehearsal for my next marathon in the USA in early November on the Ocean 7 circuit. Let’s hope that everything goes well and that another achievement of great significance is recorded in the history of Bulgarian swimming. On the eve of the Reunification Day – 6 September”, said Tsanko Tsankov.

A professional team of videographers, stationed on the boat and on land, will film Tsankov’s swim from the start to the finish. The footage will later be used for a documentary dedicated to Tsankov’s feat, which will be broadcast free of charge in the country and abroad.