Фондация „Спорт в България“

Stefan Toshev: Wrestling teaches discipline, organization, hard work

Wrestling teaches many things – discipline, organization, hard work, perseverance. Struggle builds many qualities in every person. It is no coincidence that in 200 countries around the world the sport of wrestling is official state policy. We are very grateful to the Sport in Bulgaria Foundation for their help, for the care they give us, for the treatment we receive. It makes a huge difference, we are glad to have them and that they are with us.” This is what Stefan Toshev, the head coach of the sports club “Wrestling – Levski” told BGNES.

The club trains about 250 children, and the ambition is to increase this number, and with the construction of a new hall the club will become the largest wrestling center in Europe. “The latest successes for the summer season were in Burgas, with the juniors we have four champions and two third places and we ranked first in the team, ahead of CSKA and Pleven. With the cadets we also took first team place – we had four firsts, two seconds and several thirds. Now are the finals in the boys age group, we have three for first place and eight for third place, I wish them good luck, hopefully we will become team champions in this age group as well. Of course I’m happy, but it can always be better. Now we have the big championships coming up, in Bulgaria we have for men and we are looking towards the European and World Championships,” Toshev said about the wrestlers’ recent competitions.

“In classical, free and women we have towards 250 children already. We work very seriously, we have about 10 coaches, we are a big team, everyone does their job, we work and the results are there. At the moment we are finishing the work on the new hall, I hope today the children will start training in it – inside there are eight areas, here there are two, upstairs there is another hall, in total there are 12 mats, which makes us the biggest wrestling centre in Europe,” he said, adding why he recommends parents to enrol their children to train wrestling. In Bulgaria it is one of the most successful sports, there is a realization, there is a path, there is a future. Wrestling builds many qualities in every person”.

Toshev also commented on the upcoming Olympics in Paris. “This is the most important part of the success of an athlete, a coach and the whole country – the Olympic Games. I hope we will have as many quotas as possible and God forbid, more medals.”